Amy Boardman Art

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The Acorn & The Artisan

An Acorn And An Artisan | 04 March 2023

Once upon a time, there was an acorn full of potential. It sat nestled among its fallen brothers and sisters, waiting patiently to be chosen. One day, a gentle breeze 🌬️ruffled its cap and blew the acorn away. It rolled and tumbled until it came to rest at the base of a mighty tree. 🌳 The acorn sat there, alone and forgotten, until one day, a kind and wise artisan 🎨 strolled through the woods and found it. He picked it up and held it in his hands. He saw the potential inside the little oak nut and knew that this acorn could become something special one day.

The artisan carried the acorn home 🏡 and planted 🌱 it in the ground. He tended to it faithfully. He watered it, cared for it, spoke words of encouragement to it, showed it love, ❤️ and soon enough, the acorn began to grow. The artisan waited patiently and watched in awe and admiration as the acorn grew into a sapling and later into a full-grown tree. As the tree grew, the artisan witnessed the full potential of the acorn blossoming into something beautiful.

The story of the Artist and the Acorn is a reflection of God and us. God is the artisan, and we are the acorns. You see, God sees our potential in each of us far in advance before we even reach the full potential that God designed us to be. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that “before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet of nations.” That means God saw all the good, the bad, and the struggles far in advance, and yet he still sees the ‘mighty oak’ potential in each of us. Psalm 139:14 reminds us that "we are fearfully and wonderfully made." 1 Peter 4 :10 tells us that each one of us has received a special gift from God and we are to employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. The Lord has given each of us a gift in the form of a unique calling and specialty, and all are equally valuable to Him.

You see, God has revealed himself as a creative being and because we were formed in God’s image and likeness we too are creative according to Genesis 1:27. God was essentially the very first entrepreneur. We each have a purpose and role to fulfill in the body of Christ. ✝️ The human body has a lot of parts but when one is not working properly then it begins to affect the rest of the body. When we use our gifts, then the body works and functions together properly.

An eye cannot move the body to the other side of the room, because its purpose is to see and help aid us in our safety and so much more. Just like our fingers cannot swallow our food to nourish our bodies, but they can assist in placing the food into our mouths. As the body of Christ, we each have a specific purpose and calling to serve others, honor God, and assist the body of believers as a whole in order to work in harmony.

It is my calling to create art that reflects the nature of God and speaks to people's hearts. I was born to be a creative individual. The desire to create has always driven me. I too am an artist 🎨 and an entrepreneur like God.

I think Philip Graham Ryken’s quote eloquently explains it, “If the opening chapters of Genesis portray God as a creative artist, 🎨 then it only stands to reason that the people he made in his image will also be artists. Art is an imaginative activity, and in the act of creating, we reflect the mind of our Maker.”

Romans 11:29 states God’s gifts 🎁 and His calling is irrevocable. That means God will not snatch our gifts away, however, he wants us to use them for the good of mankind and honor him. I encourage you to use your gift, so God can mold and shape you into the ‘mighty oak’ 🌳 potential that He sees in you.


Amy, the Artist (Simply Creative Blog)

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” Romans 11:29